
BS Studio Art

Catalog Term Fall 2012

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Studio Art
Concentration: Teacher Certification

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Required Courses for Major

54 hours from the following:

ARTS 1303
ARTS 1304
ARTS 1311
ARTS 1312
ARTS 1316
ARTS 1317
ARTS 2311
ARTS 2323
ARTS 2316 or 3316
ARTS 2356
ARTS 3335
ARTS 3355
ARTS 3371
ARTS 3376
ARTS 4331
ARTS 4343
ARTS 4358
ARTS 4381

3 hours Studio Art Elective

3 hours Art History Elective (upper division)

Free Electives



Grade of C or better to progress in Studio Art sequence.

Classes must be taken in sequence.

24 credit hours pedagogy as specified by college of education.


Not required
