
Graduate Council

Charge: The Graduate Council shall advise the Dean of the Graduate College on policies and procedures relating to graduate admissions, curricula, new programs of the University.


Membership & Reporting: Graduate Council members shall be elected by and from the graduate faculty in departments offering graduate degrees, with the Faculty Senators and Deans overseeing the election of tenured faculty members. The Council's membership will consist of elected graduate faculty representatives from each college, the Registrar, the Associate Deans of Graduate Studies, and the SACSCOC Liaison. The Dean of Graduate Studies will chair the committee, with the charge to the committe provided by the Dean.

Committee Members 

Brett Welch (Acting Provost; Vice Provost, Digital Learning; Dean, Graduate Studies), Chair Ex Officio
Ashley Dockens (Assistant Provost, Academic Innovation; Associate Dean, Graduate Studies) Ex Officio
Robin Latimer (Associate Dean, Graduate Studies) Ex Officio
Kyle Boudreaux (Interim Accreditation and Assessment) Ex Officio
David Short (Registrar) Ex Officio
Ruthie Robinson (Arts & Sciences) FALL 2023-SUM 2026
Connie Howard (Fine Arts & Communication) FALL 2023-SUM 2026
Cristina Rio (Education & Human Development) FALL 2024-SUM 2027
Neil Faulk (Education & Human Development) FALL 2024-SUM 2027
John McCollough (Business) FALL 2024-SUM 2027
Yueqing Li (Engineering) FALL 2022-SUM 2025