
November 15, 2023

Wednesday, 11/15/2023
Mary and John Gray Library Room 717
Submitted By:
Jennifer Rosetta

November 15, 2023
2:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.
Library 717/Microsoft Teams

Members:           Elizabeth Long (COAS), Sujin Wang (COAS), Michael Saar (Ex-Officio)

Dr. Katherine Sprott (COEHD), Bryan Proksch (COFAC)

Absent:                Chunda Chen (COB), Qiang Xu (ENGR), Yumi Shin (LIT), Theresa Hefner-Babb (Ex-Officio), Drake Rothenberger (SGA)


Special Guest: None


  1. Call to order 2:01 PM


  1. Approval of Minutes

February 22, 2023

Digital copies will be sent to those on TEAMS for review.


  • Announcements
  • Library Staff Updates
  • We are still looking for a REL librarian. Staff departures in REL and Circulation.  REL is in the process of hiring two staff members, Circulation and Cataloging currently each have a staff position posted. 


  1. Agenda Items

Michael Saar (Ex-Officio)

  • Appointment of Library Committee Chair
    • Bryan Proksch will be committee chair.
  • Dean Update
    • Michael has been the interim dean since May 2022. Committee is being formed with Dr. Theresa Hefner-Babb as chair and position will be posted soon. 
  • LIBR 1301 Fundamentals of Information
    • This course will be offered for the first time spring 2024. Instructors are Michael Saar and Taylor Xiao, this course provides skills identifying research topics, identifying misinformation and offers career ready skills that will be beneficial for students while in school and in career setting.  Pilot taught in Honors College and feedback was positive.
  • LibQual+
    • Last spring the library conducted its bi-annual satisfaction survey, LibQual+. Findings and recommendations were shared with committee.
  • Renovation Update
    • This will be a complete overhaul of the building. By integrating other units on campus, we were able to get funding for renovations.  Advising, Distance Learning and other student success units will be located here.  Currently finalizing the plans for the project manager to review and let us know what is in budget. Tentative plans as of now: 1st floor will be much the same with a classroom added; 2nd advising; 3rd student success units; 4th Distance Learning and stacks; 5th and 6th stacks; 7th library offices and Archives/Special collections; 8th floor event center. There will be more study rooms and space for students to meet. Plan to break ground July 2024 with estimated completion Feb 2027.
  • Collections
    • Currently working on weeding government documents, many are available digitally or outdated, the plan is to reduce collection by 80-90%. Looking at a 20% reduction of overall collection originally, but to make plans work, a 40% reduction in collections is necessary. We have been approved to use a tool called GreenGlass that will help us manage the physical collection in preparation of the renovation. Books that are weeded out will be taken by Surplus.
    • The library has a Faculty Purchase Request “Request a Book” form if there is something you would like the library to order. Unless specified, we will purchase an e-book if available.


  1. Other / New Business

(If any, will be assigned and reported on at a later date)


  1. Adjourn 3:05 PM