
March 18, 2019

Monday, 03/18/2019
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
Judy Smith

Committee Minutes 3-18-19
Wayne A. Reaud Building Room 202                   

Attending: Michael Saar, Library Services; Judy Smith, Nursing; James Armacost, Biology; Garrick Harden,  Faculty Senate Representative; Serdar Ilban, Fine Arts and Communications; Mamta Singh, Education and Human Development; Zanthia Smith, DSDE; Millicent Musyoka, Fine Arts and Communications; Qin Qian, Engineering; Barbara Hernandez, Kinesiology; Kami Makki, Arts and Sciences rep; John McCollough, Business:  Larry Osborne, College of Arts & Sciences; Liv Hasselbach, Engineering; Edward Doan, SGA representative; 
Via Proxy: Ken Aung, Engineering
Absent: Stefan Andrei, CID representative; Alberto Marquez, Engineering;   
Ex-Officio: Joe Nordgren, Acting Associate Provost; David Short, Registrar; Theresa Hefner-Babb, Exec. Dir. OPA; Aida Lasher, Temporary Academic Affairs Associate, Craig Escamilla, Acting Exec Dir Student Achievement & Retention
Guests: Jill Killough; Jan Kimmons; Thomas Ho;

Presiding: Michael Saar

Call to Order: 3:30 pm

Approval of Minutes: 2-18-19
  • Motion made to approve minutes as written: Serdar; Seconded by Kami. Minutes approved as written.

Bachelor of Science degree plan Chemical Engineering (CHEN)

  • CHEN 4360 was missing from the degree plan which is listed as a pre-requisite for 2310 and 3310
  • CHEN 4350 is pre-req to 4420
  • Serdar made a motion to table further review pending clarifications regarding the pre-requisites and missing courses on the degree plan; Barbara seconded the motion; motion was unanimously approved.

Bachelor of Science degree plan Civil Engineering deleted

Photography Minor degree plan

  • ARTS 3305 (required) lists pre-reqs as 1311 (optional course in minor) and 1317 (not included in minor) and 2311 (not included in minor)
  • ARTS 4305, ARTS 3303, ARTS 4303 - All list ARTS 2379 as a pre-req (not included in minor)
  • ARTS 3376 (one of five optional courses) lists ARTS 1312 as a pre-req (not included in minor)
  • ARTS 4306 (one of five optional courses) lists ARTS 2370 as a pre-req (not included in minor)
  • Kami made a motion to table review of the degree plan due to needing a clarification regarding a statement: hours exceeding normal student load and some course pre-requisites questions. Barbara seconded. Motion approved unanimously.

Family and Consumer Services asked to change the prefix for courses from FSCS to FMST. Kami motioned to approve prefix change for all affected courses; Edward Seconded. Motion approved unanimously.

Teacher Certification track degree plan

  • Motion made to approve as written Serdar; Millicent seconded. Motion unanimously approved
Family Studies Minor degree plan reviewed
  • Judy Motioned to approve as written: Seconded by Kami; Motion approved unanimously.
FMST Additions and Deletions
  • Additions of FMST 1377, FMST 2306, FMST 2316, MST 3340, FMST 3341, FMST 4305, FMST 4323, FMST 4326, FMST 4327, FMST 4329, FMST 4335 and the deletion of FCSC 1377, FCSC 2306, FCSC 2316, FCSC 301, FCSC 3340, FCSC 3341, FCSC 4305, FCSC 4323, FCSC 4326, FCSC 4327, FCSC 4329, FCSC 4335 with the following changes:
    • Max repeat hours have all been corrected
    • FMST 2316 Attendance and make-up policies were added
    • Department Chair’s Signature was missing on some of the syllabi cover sheets
    • FMST 4323 grading scale was clarified
    • All requested changes have been made to this group of syllabi
  • Judy made a motion to approve the course additions and Syllabi with the corrected information being presented at the meeting; Zanthia seconded. Motion unanimously approved.
FMST 3302 The Whole Child (New Course added)
  • Course created to develop more in-depth information on child development into one combined course
  • Max repeat hours have been corrected
  • FSCS 3430 and 3340 were the original child development courses that have been deleted.
  • Barbara made a motion to approve the course change and syllabus with the corrected information being presented at the meeting; Millicent seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
Bachelor of Science Fashion Merchandising FASH
  • Typo was removed
  • 3 Business courses taught in conjunction with the major: FINC 3310; Economics 1301 and ACCT 2301 which replaces ACCT 1301 which is no longer being taught.
  • THEA 4350 has a pre req of 2371 or 2372 which are taught on a rotating basis to satisfy the pre-req for 4350.
  • MGMT 3310 is only required for students focusing on the Business aspects of Fashion Merchandising.
  • Judy made the motion to approve the degree plan with the clarifications and corrections in place; Zanthia seconded; motion unanimously approved.
FMST minor degree plan reviewed
  • Kami made a motion to approve as written; Barbara seconded; motion unanimously approved.
FASH courses (FMST)
  • Additions of FASH 1320, FASH 2383, FASH 2385, FASH 3370, FASH 4320, FASH 4325, FASH 4336 and the deletion of FCSC 1320, FCSC 2383, FCSC 2385, FCSC 3370, FCSC 4320, FCSC 4325, FCSC 4336 with the following changes:
  • All FCSC courses were put forth for deletion from the curriculum
  • Maximum repeat hours have been added to all syllabi
  • Scheduled credit hours (SCH) corrected to three for FASH 1320 Textiles
  • FASH 2383 Lowest exam score dropped but was still included in the total points. Points do not align correctly
  • FASH2385 Scheduled hours should be 3 not 2
  • FASH 4320 Fashion History I Scheduled hours should be 3 not 2
  • FASH 4325 Fashion History II Lowest exam score being dropped as in FASH 4320 and needs to be stated the same in this syllabus as it was in 4320. Course materials listing was oddly placed so it was unclear as to what the course books are required and are recommended. The second book on the list had the word required after the citation. SCH should be 3 not 4
  • FASH 4336 Merchandise Buying and Management Needs minimum grade required for pre-reqs. SCH should be 3 not 4.
  • Barbara made a motion to approve all addition course syllabi with all changes made and deletions of all FCSC courses; Zanthia Seconded; Approved unanimously.

FASH 4346 Social-Psychology of Apparel

  • Max repeat hours were corrected
  • SCH changed to 3 from 4
  • Grading scale goes up to 500 but the points for assessment added up to 520. Explained that some quizzes may be dropped.
  • Judy made the motion to approve with all corrections having been made; Barbara seconded; approved unanimously.
Hospitality (HOSP) courses offers two degrees and three minors
  • HOSP 2324 Commercial Food Production requires HOSP 1315 Basic foods as a pre-req; HOSP 1301 has been eliminated as a requirement
  • HOSP 4306 American Regional Cuisine- FCSC 1301 has been eliminated as a requirement
  • Barbara made a motion to approve the General Hospitality track plan; Zanthia seconded; Approved unanimously
Culinary Arts Track
  • Had same issues as noted above with pre-reqs.
  • Serdar made a motion to approve culinary arts track plan; Judy seconded; Approved unanimously
Hospitality Minor 18 credit hours reviewed
  • Kami motioned to approve degree plan as written; Barbara seconded; Unanimously approved
Culinary arts minor reviewed
  • HOSP 3324 Commercial food production II had 3 pre-requisites listed but FCSC 1301 needed to be removed as the course no longer exists.
  • Judy made a motion to approve the degree plan with changes completed; Serdar seconded; Approved unanimously
HOSP 2372 should be numbered HOSP 3372
  • Question answered regarding pre-reqs. FCSC 1301 has been eliminated.
  • Edward made a motion to approve the syllabus with changes completed; Millicent seconded; approved unanimously
Additions and deletions:
  • Addition of HOSP 1301m HOSP 1315, HOSP 1372, HOSP 1373, HOSP 1374, HOSP 2303, HOSP 2314, HOSP 2324, HOSP 3313, HOSP 3314, HOSP 3315, HOSP 3317, HOSP 3318, HOSP 3324, HOSP 3360, HOSP 3376, HOSP 4304, HOSP 4311, HOSP 4312, HOSP 4314, HOSP 4321, HOSP 4322, HOSP 4357, HOSP 4360 and the deletion of FCSC 1301, FCSC 1315, FCSC 1372, FCSC 1373, FCSC 1374,FCSC 2303, FCSC 2314, FCSC 2324, FCSC 2370, FCSC 2372, FCSC 3313, FCSC 3314, FCSC 3315, FCSC 3317, FCSC 3318, FCSC 3324, FCSC 3360, FCSC 3376, FCSC 4303, FCSC 4311, FCSC 4312, FCSC 4314, FCSC 4321, FCSC 4322, FCSC 4357 and FCSC 4360 with the following changes:
  • All were missing maximum repeat hours which has been corrected
  • Grade minimum for all courses corrected
  • Office Hours were missing on several syllabi that have been corrected.
  • Barbara made a motion to approve all additions syllabi with corrections completed and deletion of FCSC courses; Zanthia seconded; unanimously approved.
HOSP 3333 Human Resources in Hospitality
  • Max repeat hours corrected. Justification this was a special topic course that was determined to be needed as a regular course in the curriculum.
  • Barbara made a motion to approve with corrections completed; Serdar seconded; unanimously approved.
HOSP 3372 Menu and service management
  • Max repeat hours corrected
  • Course changed from a 2372 level course to a 3372 to increase rigor
  • Pre-requisite deficits clarified
  • Serdar made a motion to approve with the completed corrections and clarifications; Barbara seconded; unanimously approved.
HOSP 3375 Beverage Mgmt & Wine Apprec
  • Max Repeat Hours needed
  • Course increased from a Sophomore level to senior level course to increase rigor
  • Minimum grade for Pre-reqs corrected and office hours added as noted during meeting
  • Course Content Outline still referring to HOSP 2370 corrected.
  • Kami made a motion to approve the syllabus with the completed corrections; Zanthia seconded; unanimously approved
HOSP 3377 Event Management
  • Max Repeat Hours corrected
  • Justification for Addition – Course was originally a special topics course. There has been an increased demand in the industry for the information to be a permanent part of the curriculum
  • Office hours are corrected.
  • Kami made a motion to approve the syllabus with the completed corrections noted during the meeting; Judy seconded the motion; unanimously approved.

HOSP 4306

  • Max Repeat Hours corrected
  • Need minimum grade for Pre-reqs corrected
  • Serdar made the motion to approve the syllabus with the completed corrections noted during the meeting; Kami seconded; unanimously approved
B.S. Nutrition - Nutrition Track Degree plan, Certificate and minor
  • Zanthia made a motion to approve all three as written; Edward seconded; unanimously approved
B.S. Nutrition-Dietetics Track Degree Plan
  • Clarification In the spring of the second year students majoring in this track must take CHEM 1308 and 1311; Pre-Med Majors should take CHEM 1312 and 1112. Notation needs to be in the footnotes that explains this so students and advisor will get confused as to which course to sign up for.
  • Zanthia made a motion to approve the degree plan with the requested correction above; Edward seconded; unanimously approved
Nutrition Certificate degree plan
  • 18 credit hours in conjunction with the communications department
  • Serdar made a motion to approve as written; Edward seconded; unanimously approved.
Nutrition Minor degree plan
  • 18 hours total
  • 12 hours of required courses; 6 hours are electives
  • Was originally missing a page that has now been added
  • Garrick made a motion to approve the degree plan as written; Edward seconded; unanimously approved
NUTR Additions/Deletions
  • addition of NUTR 1322, NUTR 3320, NUTR 3328, NUTR 3330, NUTR 4300, NUTR 4307, NUTR 4315 and the deletion of FCSC 1322, FCSC 3320, FCSC 3328, FCSC 3330, FCSC 4300, FCSC 4307 and FCSC 4315 with the following changes
  • Max repeat hours corrected for all course additions
  • NUTR 3320 - Minimum grade for Pre-reqs corrected on all syllabi
  • Serdar made a motion to approve all course additions with the above corrections completed; Zanthia seconded; unanimously approved.
NUTR 3316 Nutrition and Fitness (new course)
  • Max repeat hours corrected
  • Justification for addition: course designed to fill a gap in the curriculum
  • Garrick made a motion to approve the syllabus with completed changes; Edward seconded; unanimously approved.
NUTR 4331 Nutrition assessment and counseling (new course)
  • Max repeat hours corrected
  • Justification for addition: Was a special topics course but content is relevant to changing demands in the industry to make it a permanent course in the curriculum.
  • Garrick made a motion to approve the syllabus with completed changes; Serdar seconded; unanimously approved.
ELEN 3441 Fundamentals of power engineering
  • Pre requisites were changed to ELEN 3312 and ELEN 3371 which has been corrected in the syllabus
  • Garrick made a motion to approve the syllabus with the completed correction; Barbara seconded; unanimously approved.
COMM 4382 Film Directors
  • Many questions arose regarding conduct of the course
  • Grade Scale/Points question - The evaluation section adds up to 1250 but the grade scale is based on only 1000 points
  • Schedule  indicates the students will investigate three directors but the course changes seems to be based on allowing each section of the course to focus on a single director at a time such as Hitchcock, Spielberg, etc.
  • Edward made a motion to send the Syllabus back to the department for further clarification; Zanthia Seconded, unanimously approved.

Next meeting will be held Monday April 15, 2019 at 3:30 pm in Room 202 of the Reaud Building.
  • Motion to Adjourn at 4:15 pm by Garrick; Seconded by Kami and was unanimously approved.
Respectfully submitted:

Dr. Judy Smith, Secretary University Undergraduate Committee.