
November 18, 2019

Monday, 11/18/2019
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
Ashwini Kucknoor

UUCC  Minutes 11-18-19

Wayne A. Reaud Building Room 202                   

Attending: Michael Saar, Library Services; James Armacost,  Ashwini Kucknoor, Randy Yoder, Arts and Sciences,  Barbara Hernandez, Mamta Singh, Education and Human Development;  Alberto Marquez, Qin Qian, Tracy Benson, Engineering, Millicent Musyoka, Zanthia Smith, Fine Arts and Communication

Katey McCall, SGA, Melissa Riley, FAculty Senate Rep

Via Proxy: Judy Smith,  Arts & Sciences; 

Absent: Garrick Harden, A&S, Alberto MArquez, Engineering, Serdar Ilban, Fine Arts and Communication, Stefan Andre CID rep, 

Ex-Officio: Joe Nordgren, Acting Associate Provost; Liv Haselbech, Engineering; David Short, Registrar,  Theresa Hefner-Babb, Exec. Dir. OPA;Kayla Holloway, UAC, James Nelson, A&S CC Chair, Toni Mulvaney, Business CC Chair,

Ex-Officio Absent: Craig Escamilla, Acting Exec Dir Student Achievement & Retention; Belinda Lopez, Ed and Human Dev CC Chair, Liv Haselbach, Engineering CC Chair, Kurt Dryhaug, Fine Arts and Comm, CC Chair

Executive Associate Academic Affairs: Aida Lasher

Guests: Berna Tokgoz, Engineering

Presiding: Michael Saar

Call to Order: 3:32 pm

Michael Saar opened the meeting by talking about the emails with all the files circulated, and asked for a motion to approve the minutes from last meeting.

Approval of Minutes: 10-21-19

  • Katy McCall motioned to approve the minutes without any changes, and Millicent seconded. Motion passed unanimously.


  • INEN 4380-Course addition

Berna Tokgoz who is currently teaching the course as special topics explained the details of the course. Mentioned that it could be offered both as face-to –face or as online course. Motion – Approve without any changes- Proposed by Benson; Katey McCall seconded the motion. Following minor discussion, the motion was approved as is.

  • B.S. Construction MGMT

Motion – Approve pending clarification of 4390 or 4399 and approve if it is indeed 4399. If not should be revisited. Proposed by James nelson, seconded by Melissa. Motion passed to approve pending clarification.

  • Minor in Construction Management

Motion –to  Approve Proposed by Saar, seconded by Nelson.  Motion passed to approve

  • CGMT 2330-course change

Motion to approve with minor changes (missing ISBN). Benson motioned, James Nelson          Seconded, Motion was passed.

  • CGMT 2350-course change

Changing a pre-req, and removing two math, 2312 is needed. Motion to approve pending minor changes (missing ISBN)- Katie motioned, seconded by Toni Mulvaney. Motion passed. 

  • CGMT 2420-course change

ISBN missing, also check on clarification on requiring CGMT 1310 and either 1320 or 2310. A motion to approve with minor changes- adding ISBN, and mainly clarification on the and/or prerequisites  mentioned above. Jim motioned, Melissa seconded. Motion passed to approve with changes.

  • CGMT 3340-course change

ISBN missing for text book, removing prior program admittance. Millicent motioned to approve with changes, Katie seconded and the motion passed.

  • CGMT 4100-course change

This is an independent study course/summer internship, with minimum grade required for pre-reqs listed as D. There was a lot of discussion with regards to the pre-requisite grade. A motion was made by Randy, to return the proposal to the department for clarification, and for the pre-req grades to be sorted out before the committee could vote on any approval. Melissa seconded it, and all voted in favor of the motion.

  • CGMT 4270- course change

Tracy motioned to approve the course change as is, Millicent seconded the motion and the motion passed.

  • CGMT 4310- course change

Minor changes- lecture format, ISBN missing, but major issue is with the pre-req grade clarification. Katie motioned to return to the department, for further clarification of pre-req grade requirement. Nelson seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

  • CGMT 4325-course change

Minor changes- ISBN missing, but major issue is with the pre-req grade clarification. Millicent motioned to return to the department, for further clarification of pre-req grade requirement. Benson seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

  • CGMT 4340-course change

Minor changes- ISBN missing, but major issue is with the pre-req grade clarification.  Benson motioned to return to the department, for further clarification of pre-req grade requirement. Katie seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

  • CGMT 4370-course change

Minor changes- ISBN missing, but major issue is with the pre-req grade clarification. Millicent motioned to return to the department, for further clarification of pre-req grade requirement. Melissa seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

  • CGMT 4420-course change

Minor changes- ISBN missing, but major issue is with the pre-req grade clarification. Randy motioned to return to the department, for further clarification of pre-req grade requirement. Melissa seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

  • CGMT 4470-course change

Minor changes- ISBN missing, but major issue is with the pre-req grade clarification. Katie motioned to return to the department, for further clarification of pre-req grade requirement. Qin Qin, and the motion passed unanimously.

  • Course deletion from COB CGMT 23220, 3231, 3450, 4260, 4320, 4330

Katie motioned to approve the course deletions, Nelson seconded the motion, and the motion was approved.

  • Construction MGMT policy change

To be discussed at the college committee meeting.

  • NURS 4316-course change

Few changes, max repeat nos, pre-req do not match, missing brief description, details of major assessments to be listed. A motion was proposed by Nelson to approve with changes. Katie seconded, and the motion passed.


Closing Remarks: Michael Saar requested reports from form sub-committee.

Tracy Benson- said that he is still looking into meet with concerned people and figuring out

Millicent- talked to dean, and has received some feedback

Armacost-talked to dean and  will be speaking at the next chair’s meeting and the college committee as well.

Theresa- will check with the dean’s council.


Saar discussed the upcoming meetings and deadlines.

Dec 5th is the next BOR meeting.

June 1st is the deadline for core-curriculum changes


Next meeting – Dec 2nd instead of Dec 16th

Feb Meeting –Feb 3rd


Adjourn: Motion to Adjourn at 4.46 pm by Melissa; Saar seconded and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted:

Ashwini Kucknoor, Biology