
Graduate Studies returns to Wimberly

The College of Graduate Studies has returned to Wimberly 219! Some of you have already started dropping by. We are busy planning our 3rd Annual Graduate Research Conference for February 12, 2025 (abstracts due JANUARY 10, 2025). We encourage you to send an abstract or a poster or presentation. See  /graduate-studies/students/featured-events.html 

In the meantime, we have been enjoying the many opportunities for participation with students and faculty at the Graduation Fair, Cardinal View, the OUR Conference and other meetings and seminars concerned with AI in the classroom. 

NEW STUDENTS: Remember that if you anticipate having a GRADUATE STUDIES Scholarship, check your My Scholarship portal in Self-Service Banner each day to see if the scholarship has shown up. When it posts, accept it.  Students who do not accept the scholarship in the portal will not receive it. This is our standard procedure.

RETURNING STUDENTS Generally, scholarships for returning students are in the portal 10 days prior to the first class day.  As makes sense, new students generally have a longer wait for the scholarship to show up as they must be processed in through updates sent by the departments   

Finally, our offices will be closed between DEC 21 and JAN 5.

The first class day of SPRING 2025 is JANUARY 16. Enjoy your holiday vacation!  


The Graduate Studies Team