
Intellectual Contributions

Dr. John McCollough
Associate Professor of Economics
Department of Business


Refereed Articles

  • McCollough, J. (2020). The Impact of Consumers' Time Constraint and Conspicuous Consumption Behaviour on the Throwaway Society. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 44 (1), 33-43.
  • McCollough, J. (in press, 2018). The Role That Trust Has On Economic Development: A Micro Economic Analysis. Pennsylvania Economic Review, 25 (1), 16-30.
  • McCollough, J., Bayramoglu, M. F., & He, M. (2017). Transitioning into a Throwaway Planet. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 42 (1), 131-140, doi: 10.1111.
  • McCollough, J., He, M., & Bayramoglu, A. T. (2016, July).POLLUTION HAVENS AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL KUZNETS CURVE: THE CASE OF THE US TYRE INDUSTRY. Western Economic International Association Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon.
  • McCollough, J., He, M., & Bayramoglu, A. (2016). Pollution Havens and Their Relationship to the Environmental Kuznets Curve: The Case of the US Tyre Industry. Economic Affairs, 36 (3), 258-272.
  • McCollough, J., Karani, K., & Galose, W. (in press, 2016). Factors Influencing A Consumer Propensity to Engage in a Contract. Southwest Business and Economics Journal, 23, 10.
  • McCollough, J. (in press, 2014). How Non-Profit Inspection Services Can Correct for Credence Good Type Market Failures. Southwestern Economic Review.
  • McCollough, J. (2014, July). How Trust and Risk Aversion Affect the Propensity of Consumers to Enter Into a Level Billing Utility Contract. Western Economic International Association Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado.
  • McCollough, J. (2013, July). Credence Goods and State Mandated Vehicle Safety Inspections: How Non-Profit Inspection Stations Can Correct for Market Failure. Western Economic International Association Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington.
  • McCollough, J. & Karani, K. (in press, 2013). The Media's Role in Influencing Perceptions of Housing Values and the Resulting Impact on the Macroeconomy. Economic Affairs, 34 (1), 68-77, doi: 10.1111/ecaf.12047.
  • McCollough, J. (2013). The Underlying Cause of the Disappearing Repair Trades; The Case of the TV Repair Trade Industry in the U..S. The International Journal of Economic Issues.
  • McCollough, J. (2012). Determinants of a Throwaway Society - A Sustainable Consumption Issue. Journal of Socio-Economics, 41 (1), 110-117.
  • McCollough, J. (2011, June). Factors Impacting the Demand for Repair Services of Household Products: The Disappearing Repair Trades and the Throwaway Society. Western Economic Association International 86th Annual Conference, San Diego, California.
  • McCollough, J. (2010, June). Household Economic Variables Responsible fro Generating Municipal Solid Waste and a Throwaway Society. Western Economic Association International 85th Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon.
  • McCollough, J. (2010). Consumer Discount Rates and the Decision to Repair or Replace a Durable Product: A Sustainable Consumption Issue. Journal of Economic Issues, 44 (1), 183-204, doi: 10.2753/JEI0021-3624440109.
  • McCollough, J., & Check, H. (2010). The Baleen Whales Saving Grace: The Introduction of Oil in the Markets and its Impact on the Whaling Industry During the 1800s. Sustainability, 2 (10), 15, doi: 10.3990/su 2103142.
  • McCollough, J. (2009, June). The Baleen Whales' Saving Grace: The Introduction of Petroleum Based Products in the Market and its Impact on the Whaling Industry. Western Economic Association International 84th Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada-British Columbia.
  • McCollough, J. (2009). Factors Impacting the Demand for Repair Services of Household Products: The Disappearing Repair Trades and the Throwaway Society. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 33 (6), 619-626, doi: 10.1111/j.1470-6431.2009.00793.
  • McCollough, J. (2009). The Impact of Affiliated Repair Facilities on Claims Buildup in the Automobile Insurance Industry. Journal of the Northeastern Association of Business, Economics, and Technology, 67-75.
  • McCollough, J. (2008, March). The Role of Income Growth on Residential Municipal Solid Waste: Evolving Towards a Throwaway Society. Atlantic International Economic AssociationBi-Annual Conference, Warsaw, Poland.
  • McCollough, J. (2007, July). Examining the Role of Lagged Dependent Variables in Explaining Household Curbside Recycling Rates via an AutoRegressive Model. Western Economic International Association Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington.
  • McCollough, J. (2007). The Effect of Income Growth on the Mix Between Disposable and Reusable Goods. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31 (3), 213-219, doi: 10.1111/j.1470-6431.2006.00504.
  • McCollough, J., & Roesch, M. (2005). The Learning Curve's Role in Explaining Household Recycling Rates. Journal of Environmental Systems, 31 (4), 333-347.

Non-Refereed Proceedings

  • McCollough, J. (2011). The Baleen Whales' Saving Grace: The Introduction of the Petroleum-Based Products in the Market and its Impact on the Whaling Industry. In Dr. Oran Kara (Ed.) Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference, Edinboro, PA: Pennsylvania Economics Association, 152-161.
  • McCollough, J. (2010). Factors Impacting the Throwaway Society. In Dr. James Jozefowicz (Ed.) Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference, Edinboro, PA: Pennsylvania Economics Association, 86-91.

Presentation of Refereed Papers

  • McCollough, J. (2019, June). The Impact of Consumers' Time Constraint and Conspicuous Consumption Behavior on the Throwaway Society. Western Economic International Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, California.
  • McCollough, J., Bayramoglu, M., & He, M. (2017, July).Transitioning into a Throwaway Planet. Western Economic International Association Annual Conference, San Deigo, California.
  • McCollough, J., He, M., & Bayramoglu, A. T. (2016, July).POLLUTION HAVENS AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL KUZNETS CURVE: THE CASE OF THE US TYRE INDUSTRY. Western Economic International Association Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon.
  • McCollough, J. (2014, July). How Trust and Risk Aversion Affect the Propensity of Consumers to Enter Into a Level Billing Utility Contract. Western Economic International Association Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado.
  • McCollough, J. (2013, July). Credence Goods and State Mandated Vehicle Safety Inspections: How Non-Profit Inspection Stations Can Correct for Market Failure. Western Economic International Association Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington.
  • McCollough, J. (2013, June). Credence Goods and State Mandated Vehicle Safety Inspections: How Non-Profit Inspection Stations Can Correct for Market Failure. Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference, Scranton, Pennsylvania.
  • McCollough, J. (2011, June). Factors Impacting the Demand for Repair Services of Household Products: The Disappearing Repair Trades and the Throwaway Society. Western Economic Association International 86th Annual Conference, San Diego, California.
  • McCollough, J. (2011, June). Factors Impacting the Demand for Repair Services of Household Products: The Disappearing Repair Trades and the Throwaway Society. Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference, Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
  • McCollough, J. (2010, June). Household Economic Variables Responsible for Generating Municipal Solid Waste and a Throwaway Society. Western Economic Association International 85th Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon.
  • McCollough, J. (2009, June). The Baleen Whales' Saving Grace: The Introduction of Petroleum Based Products in the Market and its Impact on the Whaling Industry. Western Economic Association International 84th Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada-British Columbia.
  • McCollough, J. (2008, March). The Role of Income Growth on Residential Municipal Solid Waste: Evolving Towards a Throwaway Society. Atlantic International Economic AssociationBi-Annual Conference, Warsaw, Poland.
  • McCollough, J. (2007, July). Examining the Role of Lagged Dependent Variables in Explaining Household Curbside Recycling Rates via an AutoRegressive Model. Western Economic International Association Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington.


  • McCollough, J., Bayramoglu, M., & He, M. (2017, June).Transitioning into a Throwaway Planet. Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference, Reading, Pennsylvania.
  • McCollough, J., He, M., & Bayramoglu, A. T. (2016, June).POLLUTION HAVENS AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL KUZNETS CURVE: THE CASE OF THE US TYRE INDUSTRY. Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania.
  • McCollough, J. (2013, June). Credence Goods and State Mandated Vehicle Safety Inspections: How Non-Profit Inspection Stations Can Correct for Market Failure. Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference, Scranton, Pennsylvania.
  • McCollough, J. (2011, June). Factors Impacting the Demand for Repair Services of Household Products: The Disappearing Repair Trades and the Throwaway Society. Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference, Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
  • McCollough, J. (2010, June). The Baleen Whales' Saving Grace: The Introduction of Petroleum Based Products in the Market and its Impact on the Whaling Industry. Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference, Grove City, Pennsylvania.
  • McCollough, J. (2009, June). Factors Impacting the Throwaway Society: A Sustainable Consumption Issue. Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference, West Chester, Pennsylvania.
  • McCollough, J. (2008, October). Consumer Discount Rates and the Decision to Repair or Replace a Durable Product: A Sustainable Consumption Issue. New York State Economics Association Annual Conference, Ithaca, New York.
  • McCollough, J. (2008, June). Factors Impacting the Demand for Repair Services of Household Products: The Disappearing Repair Trades and the Throwaway Society. Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania.
  • McCollough, J. (2006, June). Further Evidence of Claims Buildup in the Automobile Insurance Industry. Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Conference, Indiana, Pennsylvania.

Presentation of Non-Refereed Papers

  • McCollough, J. (2018, June). As Nations Develop Then Which Consumers Will Be the First to Become Throwaway Consumers. Western Economic International Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada-British Columbia.
  • McCollough, J. & He, M. (2015, March). Evidence of an Environmental Kuznets Curve; A Case Study of Automobile Tire Consumption in the USA. Southwestern Economics Association, Denver, Colorado.
  • McCollough, J., Karani, K., & Galose, B. (2014, April). How Trust and Risk Aversion Affect the Propensity of Consumers to Enter Into a Level Billing Utility Contract. Southwestern Economics Association, San Antonio, Texas.