Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Location: 121 Chemistry Building, Phone: (409) 880-8267

Chair: Paul Bernazzani, paul.bernazzani@lamar.edu

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry provides an undergraduate program designed to train students as professional chemists, with American Chemical Society certification, qualified to obtain employment in industry, education, or to enter postgraduate programs in professional or academic areas. The department also provides service courses for sciences, engineering, pre-health sciences, pre-professional, education, and non-technical majors. The Master of Science program in Chemistry prepares students for advanced graduate studies or entry into industrial or educational positions.

The departmental mission is to:

  1. Ensure quality instruction as a primary focus.
  2. Provide a positive learning environment for students.
  3. Promote scholarship by mentoring students.
  4. Maintain a faculty of teacher scholars.

The Department offers programs leading to B.S. and B.A. degrees in Chemistry, the B.S. in Forensic Chemistry and the B.A. in Biochemistry. In addition, the department offers pre-professional programs to prepare students for entrance into various professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and pharmacy. The Chemistry and Biochemistry Department has active research programs in several areas including environmental chemistry biochemistry, surface chemistry, computational chemistry, materials science, polymer chemistry, transition metal coordination chemistry, molecular spectroscopy, organic reaction mechanisms. Undergraduate students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to participate in one or more of these programs.

Pre-Professional Programs

For details concerning pre-medicine, pre-dental and other pre-professional programs leading to professions in medicine, consult the College of Arts and Sciences section of this bulletin.

Teacher Certification

Students wishing to teach chemistry, or integrated chemistry and physics in Texas public schools should consult with the department chair for detailed information.

Degrees Offered

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry -120 hrs
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Biochemistry option) -130 hrs
Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry -120 hrs
Bachelor of Arts in Biochemistry -120 hrs
Dual Degree Bachelor of Science in Biology and Bachelor of Science in Chemistry -146 hrs
Bachelor of Science in Forensic Chemistry -125 hrs

Minimum Math Requirements for Chemistry Courses

CHEM 1421: None CHEM 1375, CHEM 1306, CHEM 1308, CHEM 1311, CHEM 1312, CHEM 1460, CHEM 2411, CHEM 3401, CHEM 3331, CHEM 3411, CHEM 3412, CHEM 4411, CHEM 4412, CHEM 4481: Completion of MATH 1314 (College Algebra) with a grade of “C” or better. Or two years of high school algebra and one of the following: SAT math score of 500 or higher, ACT math score of 19 or higher. CHEM 4131, CHEM 4132, CHEM 4311, CHEM 4312, CHEM 4341, CHEM 4461: Completion of MATH 2414 (Calculus and Analytical Geometry II) or equivalent with a grade of “C” or better.

Bachelor of Science – Chemistry Major* Total Min. Hours: 120

The degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemistry will be awarded upon completion of the following requirements.

  1. General Requirements: See core curriculum.
  2. Science and Mathematics:
    BIOL 1406, 1407 or GEOL 1403, 1404
    PHYS 2425, 2426, 3350
    MATH 2413, 2414, 3435
  3. Chemistry:
    CHEM 1111, 1311, 1112, 1312 General
    CHEM 3131, 3331, 4141, 4341 Inorganic
    CHEM 3111, 3311, 3112, 3312 Organic
    CHEM 4411 Biochemistry
    CHEM 3401, 4461 Analytical/Instrumental
    CHEM 4311, 4312, 4131, 4132 Physical
    CHEM 4371 or 4371 Research
  4. Electives: Nine semester hours Advanced Chemistry electives.

*American Chemical Society approved degree plan. A grade of “C” or better is required in core chemistry courses (CHEM 1111, 1311, 1112, 1312, 3401, 3331, 3411, 3412, 4311, 4312, 4341, 4411)

Bachelor of Science – Chemistry (Biochemistry Option)* The degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemistry-Biochemistry will be awarded after the completion of the following requirements:

  1. General Requirements: See core curriculum.
  2. Science and Mathematics:
    BIOL 1406, 1407
    PHYS 1401, 1402, 3350
    MATH 2413, 2414, 3435
  3. Chemistry:
    CHEM 1111, 1311, 1112, 1312 General
    CHEM 3401, 4461 Analytical/Instrumental
    CHEM 3131, 3331, 4141, 4341 Inorganic
    CHEM 3111, 3311, 3112, 3312 Organic
    CHEM 4411, 4412 Biochemistry
    CHEM 4311, 4312, 4131, 4132 Physical

CHEM 4371 or 4471 Introduction to Research

CHEM 4381 Chemical Communications

4. Electives: 4 semester hours of biology electives selected from BIOL 3440, 3470, 4401, 4404, 4405, 4435, 4470 and 6 hours of advanced chemistry/biology electives.

Bachelor of Arts – Chemistry Major

The degree of Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry will be awarded after the completion of the following requirements.

  1. General Requirements: See core curriculum, and general B.A. requirements
  2. Science and Mathematics:
    BIOL 1406, 1407 or GEOL 1403, 1404
    PHYS 1401, 1402
    MATH 1342, 2414 
  3. Chemistry
    CHEM 1111, 1311, 1112, 1312 General
    CHEM 3401 Analytical
    CHEM 3131, 3331 Inorganic
    CHEM 3111, 3311, 3112, 3312 Organic
    CHEM 4131, 4315 Physical
    CHEM 4381 Chemical Communications
  4. Chemistry Electives: Four hours of Advanced Chemistry electives.

Bachelor of Science – Forensic Chemistry

The Bachelor of Science degree in Forensic Chemistry will be awarded after the completion of the following requirements.

  1. General Requirements: See core curriculum
  2. Science and Mathematics:
    MATH 1342, 2414
    PHYS 1401, 1402
    BIOL 1406, 1407
    BIOL 2420
    BIOL 3470
    BIOL 4404
    BIOL 4435
  3. Criminal Justice
    CRIJ 1301
    CRIJ 2314
    CRIJ 3310
    CRIJ 4313
  4. Chemistry
    CHEM 1111, 1311, 1112, 1312
    CHEM 3111, 3311, 3112, 3312
    CHEM 3401
    CHEM 4315
    CHEM 4411
    CHEM 4461
    CHEM 3491, 4491
    CHEM 4371 or 4471 Introduction to Research
    CHEM 4381 Chemical Communications

Minor in Chemistry

A chemistry minor consists of at least 19 hours to include CHEM 1111, 1311, CHEM 1112, 1312, CHEM 3411 and two courses chosen from: CHEM 3331, CHEM 3401, CHEM 3412, CHEM 4411, CHEM 4481, or CHEM 4131 and CHEM 4311. To qualify for the minor a grade of no less than “C” must be obtained in each of the courses applied to the minor.