B.S. Nutrition Dietetics Hospitality Hospitality Administration

Fall 2014

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Nutrition, Dietetics, & Hospitality Administration
Concentration: Hospitality Administration

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Communication - 6 Hours:

ENGL 1301 - Composition I

Select one from:

  • COMM 1315 - Public Speaking
  • COMM 1321 - Business and Professional Speech
  • DSDE 1371 - ASL I
  • FREN 1311 - Beginning French I
  • SPAN 1311 - Beginning Spanish I

Mathematics - 3 Hours From:

MATH 1314 - College Algebra (Non-Calculus Track)

MATH 1316 - Trigonometry

MATH 1325 - Calculus for Business Applications

MATH 1342 - Statistics

MATH 1350 - Fundamentals of Mathematics I

MATH 2305 - Discrete Mathematics

MATH 2310 - Math Modeling I

MATH 2312 - Pre-Calculus/Elementary Functions

Life and Physical Sciences - 6 Hours From:

BIOL 1308 - Intrioductory Biology for Non-Majors

BIOL 1315 - Plants and Human Society

BIOL 1406 - General Bilology I

BIOL 1407 - General Biology II

BIOL 2306 - Environmental Biology

BIOL 2401 - Anatomy & Physiology I

BIOL 2402 - Anatomy & Physiology II

CHEM 1306 - Chemistry for Allied Health Sciences

CHEM 1308 - Biochemistry for Allied Health Sciences

CHEM 1311 - General Chemitstry I

CHEM 1312 - General Chemistry II

GEOL 1390 - Introduction to Environmental and Physical Geology

GEOL 1403 - Physical Geology

GEOL 1404 - Historical Geology

PHYS 1305 - Elementary Physics I

PHYS 1307 - Elementary Physics II

PHYS 1311 - Introduction to Astronomy

PHYS 1401 - College Physics I

PHYS 1402 - College Physics II

PHYS 1405 - Elementary Physics I

PHYS 1407 - Elementary Physics II

PHYS 1411 - Introduction to Astronomy

PHYS 2425 - University Physics I

PHYS 2426 -University Physics II

SPSC 1301 - Space Exploration

SPSC 1401 - Space Science

Language, Philosophy and Culture - 3 Hours From:

ENGL 2300 - Close Readings

ENGL 2310 - British Literature Before 1800

ENGL 2320 - British Literature After 1800

ENGL 2322 - British Literature

ENGL 2326 - American Literature

ENGL 2331 - World Literature

ENGL 2371 - Masterworks of Asian Literature

ENGL 2376 - African American Literature

PHIL 1370 - Philosophy of Knowledge

PHIL 2306 - Ethics

Creative Arts - 3 Hours From:

ARTS 1301 -Art Appreciation

ARTS 1303 - Art History I

COMM 1375 - Film Appreciation

DANC 2304 - Dance Appreciation

MUSI 1306 - Music Appreciation

PHIL 1330 - Arts and Ideas

American History - 6 Hours From:

HIST 1301 - US History I 1763-1877

HIST 1302 - US History II Since 1877

HIST 2301 - Texas History

Government/Political Science - 6 Hours:

POLS 2301 - Introduction to American Government I

POLS 2302 - Introdcuction to American Government II

Social/Behavioral Sciences - 3 Hours From:

BULW 1370 - Business Environment and Public Policy

ECON 2301 - Principles of Macroeconomics

ECON 2302 - Principles of Microeconomics

PSYC 2301 - General Psychology

SOCI 1301 - Introduction to Sociology

Component Area Option - 6 Hours:

ENGL 1302 - Composition II

3 Hours MATH from Mathematics section above or:

  • BUAL 2310 - Business Analysis I
  • INEN 2301 - Applications of Quantitative Methods
  • PSYC 2317 - Introduction to Statistical Methods

Required Courses for Major

FCS Departmental Core - 6 Hours:

FCSC 3301 - Human Well-being: Individual, Family, Community, World

FCSC 4301 - Senior Seminal Professional Development

Business Courses - 15 Hours:

FCSC 2314 - Hospitality Financial Basics

  • or ACCT 2301 - Introduction to Financial Accounting

FCSC 3333 - Human Resources in Hospitality

  • or MGMT 3330 - Human Resource Management

FCSC 4312 - Hospitality Industry Law

  • or BULW 3310 - Business Law

FCSC 4314 - Hospitality Industry Marketing

  • or MKTG 3310 - Principles of Marketing

FCSC 4360 - Organizational Behavior and Management in the Service Industry

  • or MGMT 3310 - Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior

Hospitality Administration Core - 42 Hours:

FCSC 1315 - Food Preparation and Meal Management

FCSC 1322 - Nutrition/Diet

FCSC 1372 - Introduction to the Hospitality Industry

FCSC 1374 - Lodging and Property Management

FCSC 2324 - Commercial Food Production I

FCSC 2370 - Beverage Management and Wine Appreciation

FCSC 3313 - Facilities Layout and Design

FCSC 3314 - Food and Beverage Controls and Systems

FCSC 3360 - Quantity Foodservice Systems Management

FCSC 3376 - Convention, Meeting and Catering Management

FCSC 4311 - Travel and Tourism

FCSC 4321 - Computers in Hospitality

FCSC 4357 - Operational Analysis for Hospitality Managers

FCSC 4367 - Field Experience

Elective Courses

Choose one of the following Specializations:

Hotel Management Specialization - 15 Hours:

FCSC 3317 - Front Office Management

FCSC 3318 - Housekeeping for Lodging Properties

FCSC 4310 - Special Topics

6 Hours of approved electives in FCS, Bus, Comm

Culinary Arts Specialization - 15 Hours/ACF Certificate - 23 Total Hours:

FCSC 1271 - Public Safety and Health Management

FCSC 1301 - Chef's Essentials

FCSC 1373 - Purchasing for the Foodservice and Lodging Industry

FCSC 2303 - Commercial Baking

FCSC 2372 - Menu and Service Management

FCSC 3315 - Restaurant Applications

FCSC 3324 - Commercial Food Production II

1 from:

  • FCSC 4303 - Pastries and Desserts
  • FCSC 4324 - Special Topics Lab Experience

Food and Beverage Management Specialization:

FCSC 1271 - Public Health and Safety Management

FCSC 1373 - Purchasing for the Foodservice and Lodging Industry

FCSC 2371 - Public and Institutional Facilities Management

FCSC 2372 - Menu and Service Management

FCSC 3315 - Restaurant Applications

1 Hour of approved electives in FCS, Bus, Comm


