
3.13: Student Aid Adjustments

The standard practice of OSA assumes you will be attending full-time (12 hours undergraduates, 9 hours graduates) during the entire academic year, if not, your student aid may need adjusting.

Student aid adjustments will begin approximately a month prior to your scheduled disbursement date. Once your student aid has disbursed, you may be required to repay some or all of the aid disbursed to you as a result of enrollment changes that occurred prior to OSA freezing your hours of enrollment. Dropping courses may also affect your future student aid eligibility. Please contact a student aid administrator before you drop a course to determine how your aid may be affected.

If you increase your enrollment after your aid has been disbursed, but prior to the PRD, you may be eligible for additional loan money. Please contact our office at financialaid@lamar.edu to have your account evaluated.